One of the companies that everyone aspires to work for is NASA. Today we are going to discuss 30 Amazing Facts about Nasa.
They truly dare to go where no man has gone before in their daily quest to overcome the impossibility and blur the boundaries of what is considered to be within the realm of possibility.
It’s only a matter of time until NASA discovers every planet and nook in space.
One of NASA’s amazing achievements was Voyager 1, a spacecraft that took 33 years to reach the farthest frontier of the solar system in 2010.
We’ll look at 30 astounding facts about NASA that will blow your head.
Facts about Nasa No1:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is known as “NASA.”
Facts about Nasa No2:
The Landsat satellites, which were intended to take pictures of the whole Earth’s surface from space, were launched by NASA in 1972.
Facts about Nasa No3:
On July 29, 1958, NASA was established, and on October 1, 1958, it began operations. a year following the launch of Sputnik 1, the first satellite in history.
Facts about Nasa No4:
NASA utilized the SR-71, often known as Blackbird, as a covert spy plane for high-altitude, high-speed aeronautical research. The late 1950s saw its design, and 1964 saw its first flight.
Facts about Nasa No5:
Because of its size, the NASA Vehicle Assembly Building occasionally has rain clouds forming close to the ceiling on humid days. It features one of the biggest air conditioning systems in the world to combat this.
Facts about Nasa No6:
In the unlikely event that extraterrestrial life is discovered, NASA maintains an Office of Planetary Protection.
Facts about Nasa No7:
NASA was tasked by President John F. Kennedy with landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. As part of the Apollo 11 mission, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969.
Facts about Nasa No8:
Three Yemeni males sued NASA for trespassing on Mars. They asserted that three thousand years ago, their ancestors left them the world.
Facts about Nasa No9:
After acknowledging that they had inadvertently recorded over their own tape recordings, NASA was forced to obtain and repair tapes of the original moon landing from CBS and the Johnson Space Center in 2006.
Facts about Nasa No11:
NASA received a $20 parking ticket from Gregory Nemitz’s company Orbital Development, claiming that they owned the asteroid 433 Eros and that NASA’s NEAR Shoemaker had landed without authorization.
Facts about Nasa No12:
Because one engineer was using imperial measures and the other was using metric ones, NASA lost an orbiter in 1999.
Facts about Nasa No13:
In the Californian town of Edwards is the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.
Facts about Nasa No14:
NASA pays people about $9,000 a month to spend up to 70 days lying in bed every minute of the day. They then track these volunteers to improve procedures for sending astronauts into space.
Facts about Nasa No15:
Students in primary and secondary schools competed to name a new shuttle through a NASA initiative. In May 1989, then-President George H.W. Bush declared the Endeavour winner.
Fact about Nasa No16:
The organization’s emblems are the worm and meatball. The new and aerodynamic was to be represented by the worm. They all returned to the meatball because they found it repulsive.
Fact about Nasa No17:
An estimated 2200 animals, including insects, pigs, monkeys, rats, rabbits, and spiders, have been launched into space by NASA. On a single mission, STS-90, in 1998, 2000 were sent.
Facts about Nasa No18:
NASA’s first space shuttle was named Columbia. On February 1, 2003, during its 28th mission, it broke apart during re-entry over Texas.
Fact about Nasa No19:
After much deliberation, NASA came up with a solution for the infamous breadcrumb and instrument conundrum. To reduce risk, astronauts have been using tortillas in place of bread since 1985.
Facts about Nasa No20:
NASA’s mission statement reads, “To inspire the next generation of explorers, as only NASA can; to explore the Universe and search for life.
Fact about Nasa No21:
A life-size replica of the Space Shuttle, named Independence, will greet guests at the Space Center Houston in January 2016; it is mounted atop a NASA 905 shuttle carrier aircraft. The center can be rented out.
Facts about Nasa No22:
In NASA’s mission control room is a US flag from two different moon missions.
Facts about Nasa No23:
NASA received 6000 applications for its most recent astronaut recruiting round, which included 8 vacancies.
Fact about Nasa No24:
Astronauts are trained to perform spacewalks in order to repair the International Space Station using a full-sized replica of the space station. Astronauts spend hours diving in complete space suits at the Natural Buoyancy Laboratory, which is submerged in a swimming pool the size of ten Olympic swimming pools.
Facts about Nasa No25:
In a social media first, NASA aired a conversation between Mark Zuckerberg and three astronauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.
Facts about Nasa No26:
The 100 structures at NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center span 660 hectares, or one hectare, the size of an American football field (10 000 square meters). It even has the PSO (Protective Services Office), which is its own law enforcement.
Fact about Nasa No27:
Author Rhawn Joseph sued NASA in 2014, claiming that the agency failed to look into possible extraterrestrial life when an odd rock suddenly materialized in front of the Mars Opportunity Rover.
Facts about Nasa No28:
With the beginning of the Kepler mission in 2009, NASA discovered 2,325 planet candidates, the largest number of which were found in a single discovery (1,284).
Fact about Nasa No29:
NASA and the National Nuclear Security Administration revealed that they are developing plans to potentially use nuclear weapons to eliminate dangerous asteroids.
Therefore, NASA truly does have all the fun—from litigation to planetary discoveries.
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Fact about Nasa No30:
The institution is frequently recognized as one of the best funded in the United States.
Furthermore, I firmly believe that more money need to be allocated to an organization that is developing nuclear weapons capable of destroying asteroids or overseeing a division investigating potential extraterrestrial contact!
When discussing NASA, there is a plethora of history that is only going to grow immensely, so read up, check out their news website, view historical video, and, of course, don’t believe the conspiracy theories.
Above all, don’t ticket NASA if you ever are fortunate enough to appear to be the owner of an asteroid.